Quick Apache Solr Setup


It has been long time since I started with setup/configuration related blog post. This post provides steps for setting up developer machine for Apache Solr. Apache Solr is an opensource search engine written in Java, from the Apache Lucene project - with many powerful features.

I have encountered quite a few experienced developers that either don't know how to use Apache solr or avoid it as it's in the scary/too hard basket. In this introductory post, we'll look into how to install Apache Solr in order to use it for development.

There are many ways to install and configure Solr, but for this post we'll look at quickest way to set it up for development reasons.

What is Apache Solr?

In nutshell, Solr is a stable, reliable, and fault-tolerant search platform with a rich set of core functions that enables developers to improve both user experience and the underlying data modeling. For instance, among functionalities that help deliver a good user experience, we can name spell checking, goespatial search, faceting, or auto-suggetst, while backend developers may benefit from features like joins, clustering, being able to import rich document formats, and many more.

However, to fully grasp how to use it for your benefit, here are Solr's core features and why you may want to use Solr:

Getting started

Step 1:

Install docker on your machine. Reference: get-docker

Step 2:

Pull solr image from docker if not present. And, run it in detached container mode, if you are interested in viewing a complete run log. You can skip the detached mode by skipping -d in the following command.

$> docker run --name local-solr -d -p 8983:8983 -t solr:9.5.0-slim

Or start Solr docker if present

$> docker start {solr-container-id}

This will start the solr container on your machine on port specified as 8983. You can verify the container running by command.

$> docker container ls

Step 3:

Your Solr application is up and running. You can open a Solr web-console on http://localhost:8983/.

Solr WebConsole

Step 4:

Creating your Solr core wherein your data will reside.

$> docker exec -it --user solr local-solr bin/solr create_core -c first_core

Solr first_core

Step 5:

Add some-data in your core. Post raw JSON data using http://localhost:8983/solr/{CORE-NAME}/update.

   "id": 1,
   "name": "ramdom1",
   "description": "something"
   "id": 2,
   "name": "ramdom2",
   "description": "nothing"

And reload core using POST http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/cores?action=RELOAD&core={CORE-NAME}.`

Step 6:

Check if data exists in the core. Select core from left, click on the query link, and execute query.


Step 7:

Enjoy querying via web-console. Here are some basic fields you can perform queries on.


Solr search engine is fast for text searching/analyzing because of its inverted index structure. Solr is consistent and very well-documented. If your application requires the sort of extensive text searching that Solr supports, then Solr is the right choice for you. There are dozens of big-name companies (like AT&T, Netflix, Verizon, and Qualcomm) that use Solr as their primary search engine. Even Amazon Cloud search, which is a search engine service by AWS, uses Solr internally.
